Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Shorter The Hemline, The Smarter The Girl.

All of my childhood and teenage years, I hated my legs. My gams. I hated my knees, thighs, and the amount of cellulite attached to this lower half of my body. Up until last summer, I would have never thought of wearing shorts or any sort of skirt/dress ensemble above my knees. This boundary that I set for myself changed entirely when one morning, one very hungover morning in the heat of Redding summer, I found myself at a friends house without pants.

I'm really not sure how it happened, or where I eventually found my clothes from the night before, but I ended up having to wear the only form of bottoms I could find in my car: vintage 1970's track shorts. Shorts! I could have died. Mortified about my bare legs, not to mention translucent skin, I was forced into the public eye. As a friend and I were walking into Target, I mumbled something along the lines of "I cannot believe I am in fucking shorts". She quickly explained to me that I had nothing to be ashamed of, and no one was staring, and other reassuring things that a friend is expected to say, but it really did stick, and as the summer progressed, my hemline got shorter. And shorter. And I have been finding a reason to NOT wear pants, ever since.

And can I just say, digress, I guess, that the entire reason why I was so self-loathing about my legs, was because I have always been chubby, or "fluffy", as my mother would say. Diagnosed with hypothyroidism at a young age, it is impossible for me to lose weight, leaving me a little more fluff than others. Those track shorts were an incredible liberating experience! Chubby girls can wear short dresses! Chubby girls can wear shorts! Self confidence exists? Just imagine.

While we're on the subject of thicker thighs, here are some grrls who are owning it. Summer is almost here! Get me a whiskey sour, a front porch, and johnny cash records!

Be Brave and love yourself!

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