Monday, April 12, 2010

Die, Die, Die.

Sitting in the studio, almost surprised I was here on time. I left the house 5 minutes late due to a last minute outfit change and spilled coffee, but regardless of unexpected delays, the ride across town left me with a heavy feeling of content and comfort in the way I live and love.

Let me first start with this disclaimer: Driving and texting is never smart. It always dumb, and most seriously stupid on the freeway, in the pouring down rain. And although it sometimes seems necessary, especially when it comes to discussing current outfits via text message, it is never smart or safe. That being said, As I was driving northbound on the 5, listening to Lady Gaga much too loudly, and trying to brave the buckets of water falling from the dark cloud cover above me, I was also talking to Alix via text about my current ensemble of clothing, which I dubbed so sweetly as "Gothic Princess". In between a text, and a sip of coffee, the car infront of me breaked suddenly, as if a whisper from the universe saying:

"Stop being such an inconsiderate asshole and keep your eyes on the road, you

The shift in my smooth sailing helped, and as I was putting my cell phone onto the passenger seat of my car, leaving it be until I was safely parked, it occured to me that I could have very easily died just then. I could have failed to look up, leaving my Kia Rio to slam into the SUV infront of me, and leaving my body to the hands of gravity, at which I would have most likely been ejected from my seat and my skull crushed due to impact.

Most drivers would find themselves exceedingly discontent with such a thought, but I didn't mind the idea of, what I thought to be, a death to my liking. Mama Monster was crooning so deliciously, I was in an outfit already prepared to wear to a funeral, made of a black wrap sweater, grey spandex mini skirt, chevron printed tights, and black combat boots, all the while with my nails painted the most perfect gloomy shade of sparkling emerald.

But alas, this goth princess will be sticking around for a while. Atleast long enough to wear these boots out and hear the next release from Gaga.Until next time, for more tales of death and technology and fashion faux-pas,

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