Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Very Sparkly, Feminst Christmas.

Stuck in the station for the next hour and a half. I shouldn't say stuck, I should say privileged to be here, because after all I have been given the privilege of broadcasting my barely-there voice across AT LEAST 4 counties. At least. And that is saying something! Just ask my parents.

This holiday season finds me exceptionally sparkly and energetic. It's a refreshing change, compared to last year's bout of depression and contemplating a Christmas-induced suicide attempt. Hanging myself with tinsel; how poetic (and itchy). Maybe it's because I actually have a minuscule amount of money, enough to buy somewhat impressive gifts to the ones I love and loathe. I also have a house to decorate, the perfect pair of boots to wear in cold weather, a handsome man to cuddle at night, and a good amount of "friends" to spend festive feasts with. I really can't complain this year, at least not about Christmas. I have PLENTY of other things to rant about.

For instance; man-hating feminists. Have we really not developed as intelligent females, that we are still hating and bashing men, for simple human behavior? One of the main reasons why I identify myself as a feminist is because I am wholeheartedly anti-sexism. Anti-sexism, meaning one sex is equal to the next. Meaning our actions are not defined with whichever genitals lay between our legs, meaning we should not be able to make excuses based on the difference between a penis and a vagina. I am still hearing women, who consider themselves feminists, use the excuse "UGH, he is being such a boy." or "MEN. I hate men". And I myself am guilty of saying such things once in a blue balled-moon, but by saying such things and other various judgmental remarks, we are allowing these men to act like the men we expect them to be. We are creating a vicious cycle of gender-dividing confrontations. I'm at the point of embarrassment.

I could go on and on, and complain about how pro-sexism feminists are sterilizing the idea of feminism to those on the outside, and preventing the positive ideals of feminism to be shared with others, but I won't. I'll spare you. I will not spare you, however, on the fact that ODWALLA CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER PROTEIN BARS TASTE LIKE LITTLE DEBBIE BROWNIES, HOLY SHIT.

Kiss my fat ass,

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